Monday, March 8, 2010


Kisah kematian...huhuhu

Hazrat umar (Radiyallahu 'anhu) asked Hazrat Ka'ab
(radiallah Anhu) to explain the condition of death. He replied:
''0 AmeerulMu 'mineen! 'It is like a thorny branch which is inserted into a person in such a manner that it touches every part of the body
and is thereafter, suddenly extracted. In this manner life is extracted."
This is a brief condition of the agonies of death. Besides this the fear
of the plryslcal appearance of the Angel of Death and his helping
angels is a completely separate dificuIty. The appearance in which
he extracts the soul of sinners is so fearful that the strongest person
does not have the courage to see him. Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis
Salaams) said to the Angel of Death: "Show me the appearance in
which you extract the soul of sinners". The angels of death replied:
"'You will be unable to bear it." hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihisalam)
said: "No, I will bear it." Hazrat Izra'eel (Alaihis Salaam) sad:
"Turn your face towards the other sides." hazrat I'brahim (Alail'lw
Solaam) turned his face. Hazrat Isra'eel (Alarhu Salaam) said
'Now, look!" When Harrat ibrahim( Alaihis Solaam) looked up he
saw a pitch black, giant standing with long hair. He was emitting an
unbearable stench. He wore black clothes, flames of fire were
leaping forth from his mouth and nostrils. Seeing this condition
Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis Salam) fell unconscious. After some time
he recovered. This time Maluku Maut (the angel of Death)
resumed to his original appearance. Hazrat Ibrahitn (Alaihis Salaam)
said: "If there was no other difficulty for a sinner then this appearance
is sufficient for his punishment." This is the condition of the
disobedient. However, the Angel of Death appears in a very
pleasant appearance to extract the soul of the obedient. It is reported
that hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam) requested the Angel of
Death: "Now show me the appearance in which you extract the soul
of the obedient." Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaams)saw the Angel
of Death as a handsome and young person wearing the best of
clothes with perfume emitting from his body. Hazrat Ibrahim
(Alaihis Salaam) said: '"f, for a Mu 'min at the time of his death,
there is nothing to make him happy then this too is sufficient for his

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Alamat di no.75, Titian Sirat,Simpang Neraka 1500 Jalan Iman,Kampung Jannah. Nama aku Abdullah bin Adam. Mendapat pendidikan awal di sekolah rendah Roh. Relax jer kat sekolah tu..tadak peksa pun. Kemudian di hantar sambung blajar kat Sek Men Dunia. Sini tak abis2 peksa dan ujian. Assignment pun banyak. Emmm taktau la sukses ke tidak. Masalahnya Lecture aku dah kasi soalan bocor just aku jer buat dakkk je. Malas study lagi kononnya peksa jauh lagi. Kena Encik Izrael buat kuiz mengejut baru padan ngan muka aku...wa..waa..waa. Nanti penggal pertama nak kena peksa kat Dewan Kubur. Penggal Kedua Peksa Kat Majlis Bandaran Masyhar plak. Lepas tu baru la leh tgok mana nak sambung blajar kat U syurga ker atau U neraka ker

kitab haidistihadahnifas

don't follow me....follow la allah swt dan rasul saw.

BerZina Lebih MuDah DaRi BerNiKaH